7 consejos para hacer hachís con tus recortes de cannabis

Stoney Tark edited on: March 16, 2023 8 minutes read

"One of the most exciting parts for a grower as they get closer to harvesting is the thought of making Cannabis hash. This means all the leftover sugar leaf and lower buds can be turned to either dry sift or water hash, depending on the end goal. In this article, we give our 7 top tips for hash making and what you should think about before getting the scissors ready."

Tip #1: Avoid Contaminated Material

This has to be easily the most important tip we can give for making Cannabis hash, as it has an adverse effect on your health, and any other person who may consume your hash either by smoking or edible. Many growers can develop bad habits such as throwing contaminated buds and leaves to the trim pile, thinking they can still get a return when turned to hash or extracts.

Our top tip here is to instantly throw out any plant matter that has become infected with mold and powdery mildew. These pathogens will only be inside the hash you make and when smoking can only be harmful to your lungs. Working with the very best grade and cleanest material possible will result in a top quality end product.

Tip #2: The Colder, The Better

Trichomes are very delicate and the colder the environment you are working in, then the easier life will become. This is most evident when making water Cannabis hash using bubble bags, water, and lots of ice. This does not mean you need to master your hash making craft inside a walk in freezer, but hot and warm temperatures will make retrieving the hash off the bags more challenging.

Our top tip here is to try to keep your working environment as low as possible, and to keep any metal tools such as spoons and scrapers in iced water until they are needed. This will help keep everything freezing cold and will make the handling of your bubble hash much more practical, saving time when making Cannabis hash.

Tip #3: Freeze Your Trim

Before you make a dry sift and clean the material over a sequence of micron screens, it is a good idea to keep your dry material inside a bag in the freezer for a day prior. This short chill period enhances the agitation process and allows for the trichomes to break away with little stress and force.

Our tip here is to keep the trim in the freezer for 6-24 hours, depending on the size of the material. And if possible return the trim back to the freezer between cleaning up with screens, The colder the trim the easier it will pass through the micron sized nets and the overall quality will be the best Cannabis hash.

Tip #4: Heat Press Until Dark

One of the easiest ways to take your dry sift or water hash to the next level is to heat press, until it turns to a shiny and dark brown consistency. The goal is to apply enough heat and pressure using a hot glass bottle and a tea towel, and to use the hot bottle as a rolling pin.

Our tip here when making Cannabis hash is to roll the sideways hot glass bottle in all directions until you can clearly see the difference. A shiny caramel type of shine will instantly appear and perform this until the entire piece is the same color. The darker the hash, the more superior it will be in terms of taste and potency.

Tip #5: Short Spin Cycles

For those who are using either a tumbler for dry sifting, or a washing machine for bubble hash, then short cycles are much better than long cycles. The agitation process for the trichomes to break away from the plant material and fall through the screen or into the ice-cold water takes very little force, so less is more in this case.

Our top tip is to keep the spin cycles on a tumbler between 15-30 seconds between collecting, and to keep washing machines containing ice cubes spinning for 3 mins at a time before refilling back up with fresh cold water. The longer the material is left to agitate than the lower the quality will become, so a great tip to remember making Cannabis hash.

Tip #6: Plenty of Ice

Ice is significant for making cup winning level bubble hash, however knowing the appropriate amount to put inside your bucket or washing machine can be tricky. From our experience, we find that large-sized iced cubes work best and will keep the water temperature freezing.

Our tip here is to fill the washing machine with enough ice so when the machine is spinning around, there is a loud grinding noise from inside the washing machine. This is the sound of the large-sized ice cubes hitting the sides and crashing into one another. Whilst making Cannabis hash, if you no longer can hear that sound, then it is a good idea to fill the machine up again until the loud grinding noise can be heard.

Tip #7: Keep Clean and Tidy

Our final tip for making Cannabis hash, and one that is just as important as all the others, is to keep your working environment clean and tidy. This means keeping the place dust and animal hair free. Pet owners will usually suffer the worst with hairs flying around when working, which can be a nightmare when making dry sifts and creating a static charge.

Our tip here is to keep all your surfaces sterile, so give everything a spray over beforehand and make sure your hands are equally clean. There is nothing worse than taking the time to make a superior product that has hairs and debris inside.

Nirvana Seeds’ Conclusion

Follow these 7 tips for making Cannabis hash, and you will be on your way to making some premium product that is packed full of flavor, cannabinoids, and flavonoids. Remember, what goes in is what comes out, so never start with buds that have mold or leaf material that is white with powdery mildew, and with spin cycles less is more!

Stoney Tark

Stoney Tark has been involved with Cannabis for over 15 years. During this time, he has become Head writer for the long-standing magazine; Soft Secrets, a position he has held for the last ten years, alongside writing for every other main publication.

Author of Stoney Tark’s Top Tips on Growing Cannabis, host of The Roll Models Podcast, breeder and sponsored by SANlight LED. Stoney is well versed in many systems and methods of growing, including, Organics, Hydroponics, Breeding, and Hash production. 

Well known in the public eye for his easy to understand and detailed breakdowns of all things related to Cannabis. 

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Stoney Tark

Stoney Tark lleva más de 15 años dedicado al cannabis. Durante este tiempo, se ha convertido en redactor jefe de la revista Soft Secrets, un puesto que ha ocupado durante los últimos diez años, además de escribir para otras publicaciones importantes.

Autor de Stoney Tark's Top Tips on Growing Cannabis, presentador de The Roll Models Podcast, criador y patrocinado por SANlight LED. Stoney es un experto en muchos sistemas y métodos de cultivo, incluidos los orgánicos, hidropónicos, de cría y producción de hachís.

Bien conocido en el ojo público por su fácil de entender y detallados desgloses de todo lo relacionado con el cannabis.

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