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Growing indoors


Who should buy indoor seeds?

Bedroom home growers to commercial scale farmers should all buy indoor weed seeds. If you are a beginner getting your feet wet, or an old school grower with plenty of harvests under their belt, indoor seeds are suited for everybody!


There is an enormous variety of different cultivars available

Indoor seeds can come as regular or feminized

SOG setups can be very rewarding indoors

Commercial growers can rotate a crop every 8 weeks

grower can decide how long a plant stays under 18/6

Temperature and humidity can be easily controlled

Properties of indoor strains

Remain short

Unlike when grown outdoors, weed seeds for indoor growing will typically stay short during the vegetative stage. As a grower can decide how big their plants will become before changing the timers to 12/12, it is much easier to finish with a room of short to medium-sized plants.

Easy to train

Being in control of how long the plants can grow for under 18/6, how many nutrients they receive will be very advantageous. We recommended applying plant training and explain in the product description which techniques are best recommended, for which strain. Plant training allows a grower to manipulate the structure, height, and shape of the plants.

Can be grown close together

Many home growers enjoy planting in small-sized pots and keeping plants closely together. The Sea of Green method requires a very short vegetative time, ensuring once flowered all the plants are growing symmetrical, uniform and with a short to medium final height.

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